A Virtual Interactive Community where Moms & Mom’s-to-be come together for support, education, friendship, and connection.

"Community is not just a gathering of people, but a web of relationships that nurture and sustain us.”

- Parker J. Palmer

What’s Included

Hot Topics! with guests and Lori Bregman

In-person Mamaste Meetups

Discounts on Must-Have Products for Pregnancy & Postpartum

Pop Up Classes

Lives with Birth, Nutrition, Women’s Health Experts

Community Chat and Online Events

Wombsquad Podcast

Support Groups

Profiles & Private Messages for Deeper Connection



Discounts on 1:1 Virtual Coaching Sessions with Lori

Book Club

Mamapreneur Networking Events

Monthly Mothering the Mother Themes (for self reflection)

& More

The Community Every Mama Deserves.

This interactive, virtual community, created by Lori Bregman, empowers and supports women throughout their journey into motherhood and beyond. Led by Lori and her incredible tribe of experts, The Mama Portal offers expert-driven, conscious content, workshops, tools, mindful practices, and resources that will inspire, educate, and empower you whether you are trying to conceive, pregnant, birthing, and/or are a new or seasoned mama. No matter where you are in your journey, you will gather priceless information as well as connect with a supportive community of other like-minded mamas that will help you thrive.  Lori believes that we’re stronger when we support one another. 

In this network of understanding, we weave a tapestry of compassion, offering a haven where advice, encouragement, education, support, and stories are freely exchanged. As we stand united, we create a sanctuary of shared wisdom, where the challenges and wins of fertility, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and motherhood are met with a chorus of voices, reminding us that we are never alone. The benefits of coming together in this nurturing community are abundant.  It really does take a village and we've got you, Mama.

A Safe Space with No Judgment.

As expectant mothers and seasoned moms unite, a profound synergy emerges—one that stems from a shared dedication to lifting each other to new heights. Within this community, the exchange of knowledge becomes a treasured currency, empowering us with insights, resources, and education. We create an environment where wisdom flows freely, where the experiences of the past converge with the dreams of the future. 

Together, we redefine motherhood, navigating its intricate path with collective strength, knowledge, and unwavering support. As we uplift one another, we create an unbreakable chain of empowerment, ensuring that the journey into motherhood and beyond is one of shared growth, resilience, and abundant joy.


Join Now for Just $19.99 per month

*Pricing for a limited time only

Convenience. Have Lori & Other Experts in Your Back Pocket.

Over the past 20+ years, I’ve supported women, developed my practice, and along the way gained tons of knowledge as well as an incredible tribe of experts. While teaching my virtual classes, I’ve seen how important community, support, and education are for women throughout all stages of motherhood. It became clear to me that women are really craving this type of interactive support and connection. 

One of the many positive things the pandemic has done is to open up and be able to broaden our circle, connect with new people, and get access to information virtually that you normally wouldn’t have access to. Now you can hang with me and my badass tribe and other amazing like-minded women from all over the world in the comfort of your own home. 

I love to chat with you all in real time, discussing your questions, processing feelings, finding strength together, and sharing information so that you feel empowered and confident to move through whatever stage of pregnancy, motherhood, or life you are in!  We all need a little extra support!

I am passionate about supporting, educating, and sharing my wisdom, tribe of experts, and resources with as many women as possible in an accessible and cost-effective way.  Nothing makes me happier than seeing other women thrive and feel confident and empowered. 

And so, The Mama Portal was born!

Strength in Numbers.

The act of women empowering women is a remarkable testament to the strength found in unity. This sentiment takes on an even greater significance when considering mothers-to-be and moms coming together in community. 

Whether connecting across screens or within physical gatherings, we have created a nurturing environment where education is a cornerstone. The collective power of informed mothers echoes through generations, fostering a community where empowerment is the currency, support is the foundation, and the shared journey of motherhood becomes a source of strength and inspiration for all involved.

I can’t wait to see you in the Mama Portal!!!